Tuesday, February 21, 2017
21 Feb 2017 The Closing Chapter
Well this week has been a little crazy... just a quick update before I explain it all... last week we had conference with Elder Rasband (Way cool), yesterday I had emergency changes again... I am no longer an hermana leader but I am now training for the last week of my mission... and I am now in Antigua... and next Wednesday I get home from my mission. So now to explain a little more... conference with Elder Rasband was incredible... I really do not have words to describe all that happened in that conference. But the Spirit was so strong... really we could feel the love of the Savior and our Heavenly Father and it felt that they were there with us. It was an experience that I will never ever forgot. Some of the things that Elder Rasband shared were that we should never second guess our impressions from the Spirit, and also that we have to study the life of the Savior if we really want to come to know Him and love Him. And I was amazed as the questions that I had brought to the conference were answered. In my mission I have had 2 desires... that the Atonement could become personal in my life and that I could feel that I was clean of my sins... I was able to receive that the both have been fulfilled in that conference.... what a great blessing. Really it was a once in a life time experience that I am never going to forget. About emergency changes... well I have always said that President would not let me die in peace (finish my mission in peace pues)... and I was right. On Sunday one of the Hermana Leaders left to go home early for family reasons... and well for that we had a chain effect of needing emergency changes among hermana leaders... and so on Sunday night I got a call from President Markham telling me that I would be having emergency changes... so I packed up all my bags quick and on Tuesday morning with a few hiccups and a little miscommunication I got to Antigua yesterday. And well this last week I will be here... and I am finishing the training of Hermana Rotellini from the Republica Dominicana... She is great. And I am enjoying this last week in one of the most touristy areas of the mission... I may be buying a few too many recuerdos but that is okay... And well yeah... this week I am going to finish my service as a full time missionary... March 1st I will be home in house... it seems crazy to me how fast the mission has flown by. But I know that I have done all I can to serve the Lord in this time and I have felt that He is greatly pleased for all my hard work. The mission has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life but it has been the most rewarding thing too. It has changed my life forever. And I am thankful for the decision that I made to come on the mission. Just so you all know this will be my last letter... but I look forward to catching up with you all when I get home and sharing my experiences with you. But I just want to let you all know that I know with all of my heart that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the true church of God. It is the same church that Jesus Christ established when He was here in the Earth. That Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is true and it changes lives as we read it daily.
I love each and every one of you. Thank you for your support and love and prayers in these last 18 months.
Les amo un monton!
Hermana Stewart
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
14 February 2017
Well another week that has flown by way to fast... I know that this week will fly by too with doing divisions today... with a visit from Elder Rasband on Thursday and other divisions on Friday... the time flies by within the blink of an eye... it really is crazy. But I am so excited for the chance we are going to have to be with Elder Rasband. One of the apostles... really is a once in a life time chance. It is going to be awesome. And I know that we will recieve lots of answers from the Lord. The work has been going a little slow... it has been hard for us to get people to go to church and to really progress but we were able to see small miracles this week. As the Lord put us in the path of some members in the moment that they needed our help most. Really that is something powerful that I have learned in the mission... missionary work is not only baptizing and teaching investigators but really working as an instrument in the hands of the Lord to do the things that He needs us too. And it is something that has impacted my life. I have felt the Lord work through me many times. Also this last week I had the chance to go back to Barcenas in divisions... it was great to be able to see the familia Sanchez again but also a rather sad experience. I love them so much but it was sad to see that as they have but the things of the Lord to one side their lives have fallen apart a little. It was a strong testimony to me of the importance of obedience. In all manners. Satan tries to tell us that it is okay if we put the scriptures to one side and watch a football game rather then read them... or to just jump in bed and go to sleep without getting down on our knees and talking to our Heavenly Father but by the small and little things are great things brought to pass. And those things can be good things or bad things. We always need to put the Lord in first place. It brings more joy to our to lives and helps us to feel more of the Saviors love. This week we had the chance to see a video that Elder Duncan had made for all the missionaries here in Central America and I loved something that he said. Come what comes, enjoy it. We have to enjoy every single day. And really in these last few days I have found so much joy. Things may not be going to way that I want them too but I know that I am doing the things that the Lord wants me too. And that is one of my biggest goals to enjoy every second that I have left. The time that I have left here in the mission is extremely short now but I know that it is okay.... I have served the Lord in the way that he asked me to and I will keep doing it until the very last day. I love this Gospel with all my heart. It really is the true Church.. I know it with all my heart and I have the privilege to testify of it every single day.
Love you all tons!
Hermana Stewart
Friday, February 10, 2017
7 February 2017
This week was a good one. The work is struggling a lot and it has been hard to find new investigators and get people to go to church but we are working hard and trying to change and do new things. I have faith that we are going to find miracles through our work this week. This week was also fun because I had the chance to return to Linda Vista to do divisions. And I had the chance to see almost all of my converts. They are doing very well. Hermano Erick has had lots of struggles but has reciently started attending church again and has a strong testimony. Luis and Olga have had some struggles too but Luis is preparing to recieve the Melchizedek Priesthood in the next few weeks. And they are getting really excited to be sealed in the temple after the complete a year. Valentina has struggled too and has not really wanted to go to church but promised me that she would go to church again. And Cesar... he is doing so well. He is super active in the church. He has been called to be the Ward finanical secretary and his wife (who was less active) is the 1st counseler in the Primary and they too are so excited to be able to be sealed in the temple in September of this year. It is amazing to see that they have been progressing so much and that they have testimonies that are growing daily. I think that it was one of the most rewarding moments of my mission. And it made me so happy to see the difference that the Gospel still makes in the lives of these people every day. Time is flying by but I am staying focused and just trying to enjoy every moment. It has been hard but it is so rewarding to be a missionary. And well it makes me so happy. So so so happy. Hope that you all have a great week! Remember to read your scriptures every day and to pray and talk with Heavenly Father. He loves you and is waiting to hear you!
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
31 January 2017 The Beginning of the End
So this last week was a good one. Crazy with just lots of stuff happening like always. But you can imagine my surprise on Friday night when I was on divisions to get a call from President Markham telling me that I would be having my final interview the next morning. Really I cannot believe that the end is coming closer and closer. Normally this interview would have happened later but with multi zone conferences, and a visit from Elder Rasband that we are going to have the 16th of Febuary and with 24 missionaries that are going to finish President had to get them done and out of the way early. Really it was so strange to sit down and talk with President about the future... and life after the mission. But it was a good conversation. And though I hardly believe it myself I know that the end has to come. But for these last 4 weeks a lot of things still have to happen. But I have been able to reflect a lot and I have started making goals for after the mission to help me. I know that the real importance of all that I have learned in the mission will come into practice after the mission. It all applies after the mission. And this week we had a worldwide missionary broadcast which was awesome. I love being able to learn more and recieve revelation about what we need to do better. Just like last year they focused a lot in teaching repentance and baptizing converts. I love learning more about repentance. I have come to understand a lot more and I have been better able to apply the repentance process in my life. It really has changed my understanding of the Atonement and well my view on life. Repentance brings us so much peace. And it is so important that we repent every single day. We can not put it off. And the peace and relief that we need will come.
Hope that you all have a great week! Thanks for everything!
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
24 Jan 2017 Unexpected Changes
Well first off I have learned that nothing in the mission is sure... you think that you have everything all figured out and then life just throws a punch... Well as I wrote last week I thought that I would be staying in Patulul for my last change... Well you can imagine my surprise when on Tuesday night at 10:31 I finished a call with the Zone Leaders telling me that I need to be in changes the next morning at 6:30. And that I was still going to be a Hermana Leader. So I began packling everything once again as fast as I could so that I could sleep a little bit before waking up at 2:30 to take a bus to get to changes. Oh the adventures you will have Hermana Stewart. But that is how I am now in Palin... which is an area that is between the Capital and the Coast... it is the weird meeting point and the climate just does not seem to know what to do here. But the only thing that I do know is that I am always cold here... and it is normal about 70 degrees... which means that when I get home I am going to be like an ice cube. But hey that is fine. I am actually really excited for this change. My new companion is Hermana Ugarte. She is from San Pedro Sula Honduras. And I am excited about being an Hermana Leader in this area... we are in charge of 2 of my old areas. Barcenas and Linda Vista so I am excited for the chance that I will have to go visit and work there. Really I cannot believe the time in the mission. I now only have 5 weeks left... it has flown by incredibely fast. But I am still working hard and staying focused. It seems unreal to think that it is all coming to an end but in these 5 weeks I know that we have lots of people to find and to help. I am enjoying every second of it and really just trying to stay animated about it all. I know with all my heart that this is the true church. And that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real. It is personal in my life. I could never have done all that I have in these last 17 months without knowing that. Christ loves us and He is always walking shoulder to shoulder with us. And in those hard times He can carry us. I have felt Him carry my burdens. It really is amazing. I invite each of you to let Christ into your lives. Let Him lighten your loads and carry your burdens. Feel His love. It is unimaginable and unending.
Thank you for all your help and love and prayer!
Les amo mucho!!!
Hermana Stewart
17 Jan 2017 Surprises
Well I am actually writing today... turns out that the official changes in the mission are going to happen tomorrow becuase of a problem with the buses... Well here is another surprise... last week I had something called emergency changes... which means I was taken out of my area by surprise and transferred to another area in the middle of a change... it happens sometimes for lots of reasons. But yeah... so I am no longer in La Gomera.... I am now in an area called Patulul which is still a part of the coast but it is a lot cooler then La Gomera... and even though it is 70 or 80 degrees outside after being in La Gomera for 4 months with 100 degree weather I am actually cold a lot. I am no longer an Hermana Training Leader which means that I have a lighter load but it has been a weird and hard adjustment to me... I am still trying to figure out what exactly is my role as a normal missionary again. But the weirder thing has been that my companion Hermana Bonilla was one of my hermanas that I was in charge of and the area too was... so I know all about the area and its challenges... now it is my responsibility to help to fix them... it is a little strange... and well I have now officially started my last change in the mission. It seems so strange how fast the time has flown by but I still feel like I have a lot more time left. I am trying to make the best of it and I am working hard every day. I really do love the mission and it has changed me so much. I love having the chance to share this Gospel with everyone... and I am excited to help the people here in Patulul to come to know more about the Savior and the Atonement and the restored Gospel.
Les amo mucho! Have a great week!
Hermana Stewart
10 Jan 2017
This week was a good one! We had a baptism of a young man named Jorge on Sunday. It was great to be able to see him accept the Gospel in his life at the young age of 16 and to really be able to see that he understands the importance of a baptism. He really has a great faith that has helped me to grow my faith more. We are also teaching his grandma Dulce... She went to church for the first time on Sunday and even stayed to see his baptism. She too is preparing to be baptized at the end of this month. We have been working hard and have been seeing results. Really loving the mission and enjoying every day.
Just so that you guys don't worry next week I will be writing on Wednesday because on Tueday we have changes. I am pretty sure that I will be leaving the Gomera and being an hermana leader for my last change... but we will see what happens on Tuesday...
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
3 Jan 2017 Happy New Year!!!
Well I still cannot believe that it is 2017... 2016 flew by in the blink of an eye. But it was a good year. I love that I spent the whole year here in the mission. It has changed my life for the better and I have learned so many life lessons. Really I have come to know my Savior Jesus Christ. I have walked side by side with Him in many occasions. And my testimony of this Gospel has grown leaps and bounds. And I am excited for this new year... it is going to be a strange one full of lots and lots of change but for now I am just happy for the few months that I still have to work in the vineyard of the Lord. There are lots of people here in Guatemala that I still need to find and help to come to know our Savior. And I love that with New Years we get to put goals!!! Whoo-hooo!!! I have been trying to make goals that are going to apply for always... and I am excited for the chance to work at them and to make them happen. I hope that each of you can make spiritual goals too that will help you to become closer to our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Hope that you all have a great week!!!! Remember that God lives and loves you!!!!
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
20 December 2016 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Well an update on my life here in the mission. Things have been going well a little stressful but thats okay... because what is life without a little bit of stress right??? Christmas good. The 24th we spent visiting some members and eating lots of tamales... I ate 6 of them... and they are big... but it was really good. We got home at the same time and just went to sleep... but the zone leaders called us at 11:45 and woke us up so we went out side to see all the fireworks that the set off here in Guatemala. Sunday we just got up and went to church normal and then we had to travel a little to be able to talk with our families... so we spent most of the day outside of our area. But it was worth it to see and talk with everyone for a little bit. I actually really enjoyed this Christmas. It has really helped me to come and focus more on the true importance of Christmas. The birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. It has been an amazing experience to be able to testify of Him and of all that he does for us. Really I love my Savior with all my heart. Yesterday we were visiting with some of the converts in our area that were baptized a little less then a year ago... I love this family with all my heart. They have passed through so many trials but their testimonies stay so so strong. And yesterday we were just talking with them about some things that had happened and really together we were able to grow to understand more about the Atonement and why this Gospel is so important to have in our lives. Sometimes it is the only thing that keeps us going when all else is going wrong. It was something that I will never forget as we all sat there with tears in our eyes understand how important it is to have this knowledge. And wow how crazy that we are going to start a new year. Seems like this one has started and now will be ending in the blink of an eye... It has surprised me. I think that 2016 has been the biggest year of growth in my life. I have seen myself change so much especially with having this year here in the mission. I am excited for the start of a new year in which we can put new goals and do new things. It will definitely be a year with some big changes for me but I know that with the Lords help all will be alright. Thanks for all of your love and prayers! Have a Happy New Year! And remember that the Gospel is true and that Heavenly Father loves you!!!
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
13 December 2016 How many companions can you have in 1 week???
Well this last week was an interesting one... I found out the answer to a weird question... How many companions can you have in 1 week? Well the answer is 5. So like you all know we had changes last Tuesday and I recieved Hermana Ramos. Well on Friday night she got really really sick. And she ended up getting sent to the hospital. Well we got lucky because we had to go to the capital and the Assistants just happened to be about 30 minutes from our area. So they were able to drop by and pick us up and take us to the hospital. Which was great because it was night... we got to the hospital at 10pm. And there came President and Hermana Markham and the mission nurse and her companions (she is in a trio). And so the fun had begun. I ended up going to stay in the nurses area with her companions... well we got back to the area at 12:30... And I was so tired. Well all Saturday I was with the Hermana Stevens and Hermana Carroll. And all day I had no idea what was happening with my companion. Well on Saturday night I got a phone call from President and Hermana Markham telling me that they thought my companion had a problem with her kidneys... but that on Sunday morning that I would be headed back to my area with a temporary companion... Hermana Johnson. Who is about to finish her mission but actually started it there in La Gomera. Really it was a crazy time. And I am still her with Hermana Johnson right now. It turns out that Hermana Ramos does have a kindey infection but it is affecting her nervous system... so she is out of the hospital but has had to stay with the nurse the last few days because she cannot walk very well. So right now I really do not know what will be happening. And it has been a little hard for me not being able to see my companion or really know what has been happening with her. But really it has helped me a lot to better understand the Atonement. President Markham always says that we have to make the Atonement personal. And I feel like every single day it becomes more and more personal. It was a week full of lots of ups and downs but it was one in which I learned lots of things. I know that everything that I am learning here in the mission will help me after the mission in my life. So for right now I am just trying to push through it all. But really I love the mission. I love this Gospel with all my heart. And I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I am so thankful for allt hat He has done for me and does for me every single day. I hope that in this holiday season that each of you can take a little bit of time to remember all that He has done and does for you amist the holiday rushes.
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
7 December 2016
Sorry for not writing yesterday... I forgot to tell you all that we had changes yesterday. But yay... we had changes.... I am still here in La Gomera but Hermana Pineda left. I am now with Hermana Ramos. She is from Mexico which makes 3 mexicanas in a row. Crazy how that happens sometimes... But she just left from Barcenas so it has been fun to see all that has been happening there in the ward and how the Familia Sanchez and everyone else is. And the last few days have been crazy on Monday we had to change houses because they opened an area of Elderes in La Gomera and they now life in our old house. So we were running around crazy trying to get everything figured out but our house right now is a huge mess with moving and everything... but it is all good. Really last change passed in the blink of an eye... some days I feel like we just do not even have time to breath with all that we have to do.. but the good things is that we are lost in a good cause. I still cannot believe that we are in December... it has been hot here and so it has made it not feel anything like Christmas time. But I really do love this time of year because it gives us a chance to think about and reflect on the life of the Savior and all that he does for us. I love being able to be here in the mission for it because it means that we are focused more on the true meaning of Christmas. The things of the world really do not matter. But yeah... all is super well just working hard and trying to find new people to teach. Hope that you all have a great week!
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
29 November 2016 Rollercoaster rides of ups and downs
Well this last week was a good one. Like always crazy and I cannot believe that another week has passed by. It seems so crazy to me. And every week I just keep reflecting on all that I have been learning and all that I still have to learn. Which is way too much. But that is okay. This week was full of lots of ups and downs with trying to work with the investigators and the members and just feeling a little helpless trying to help some. Sometimes it is hard that we cannot change the minds of some people. For the last few weeks we have been teaching some teenagers. Tito and Celeste. They have been going to church for over 2 years and they have such a strong desire to be baptized. But their dad just absoultely refuses to give them permission. Really we do not understand why other than that he just does not like religion. But you cannot change agency of someone. Which sometimes is very frustrating. But I have been learning a lot about having patience and just putting my trust and confidence in the will of the Lord. Sometimes it is really hard to accept the will and timing of the Lord but all happens for a reason right? But we had a huge up this week. We have a family of converts here in La Gomera. La Familia Jimenez. And they have so many problems in their lives. It really is a rollercoaster for them. But for some things that have happened in the branch with them the husband Ruger never recieved the Melquisedek Priesthood and their kids almost never go to church. Which really has just torn up my heart. Well this week we focused a lot in them and bringing their kids to church and all. And well on Sunday we had District Conference (its the same as stake conference) and so we spent the whole week animating them ALL to go. And on Saturday 5 of the 7 went to conference. And there the husband had an interview with the 2nd counselor of the mission presidency. And we did not know why but on Sunday we all piled into a bus with the whole branch and went to conference with the whole family. And to our great surprise Hermano Ruger recieved the Melquisedek Priesthood!!! Really it was amazing and I was so happy that I almost cried. And it has reanimated this family so much. They really have strong testimonies and they were even able to meet President and Hermana Markham which was awesome. It really makes me so happy to have this Gospel in my life and to see it change the lives of others. This family has a new light in their eyes and they are animated to stay strong. And soon they should be able to be sealed in the temple for time and all eternity. I love this chance that I have to share this JOY with all people. It is the best thing in the world. And I would never trade it for anything.
Love each of you! And remember that Christ loves you too! Take time to reflect on His life and to remember all that He does in this special holiday season!
Les amo mucho!
Hermana Stewart
22 November 2016 Gratitud
With Thanksgiving coming up this week I have been reflecting a little on what I am grateful for. And more than anything I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who sent His son to die for us so that we can return to live with Him again. And for the knowledge that I have of the Restored Gospel. For this chance to share it with people 24/7. My mission has been full of ups and downs especially lately but really I am learning so much about the plan that the Lord has and how we can work and be better. Really we just have to do His will. But in this great week of Thanksgiving amist eating and black Friday shopping... I want to invite each of you to think of all the blessings that you have and to kneel down and thank Heavenly Father for them. Have a prayer of only gratitude. Really the blessings are more then you would think and more than you can count.
Love ya tons!!!
Hermana Stewart



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